Work for Warriors Hawaii is here to assist all of Hawaii's warriors and their families. Our Employment Coordinators provide career services, individualized and targeted to each person's needs:
Career Counseling
Building and Tailoring Federal and Civilian Resumes
Strengthening Job Search Strategies
Translating Military Skillsets into Civilian Language
Introductions to Partner Employers
Register below!
Use a personal, civilian email address.
If you are using an email address ending in .edu or .mil or an address associated with Hotmail, AOL, or Yahoo to apply, please consider switching to a Gmail account. The previously mentioned accounts are sometimes associated with spam.
Dedicate an email address specific to the application process.
If you are actively job searching (especially if you are applying for a federal job, it's helpful to have a separate, dedicated email address for your applications. This can help decrease the likelihood of missing their communication.
Veteran Career Services